Tech Support Customer Service Skills Quiz

This customer service quiz will help you evaluate the user friendliness and effectiveness of your tech support. A well respected help desk delivers highest levels of technical support and handles calls efficiently. The technical professionals interact effectively with users to minimize frustration, understand the problem, communicate a solution, and educate the customer. Evaluate your technical support help desk’s effectiveness and proactivity in delivering customer satisfaction. Rate your help desk on the following customer service issues:

5 points3 points1 point0
1.Are your technical support representatives generally able to resolve issues in one call? 
2.Are your tech support professionals able to guide the customer tactfully and efficiently from frustration to problem solving mode? 
3.When your users have unrealistic expectations, are your help desk analysts able to tactfully reset expectations? 
4.Do your tech support professionals know when and how to escalate calls appropriately and maintain user confidence? 
5.When delivering desktop support, do your tech reps briefly check for potential problems before leaving the user site? 
6.When resolving a problem, do your reps recognize the teachable moment when users are most receptive to learn how to help themselves next time? 
7.If users try to circumvent the process to obtain technical support, are your tech reps consistent in handling the situation appropriately? 
8.Are your IT support reps able to cope with frustration professionally and keep their cool in stressful situations? 
9.Do your users feel they’re consistently provided customer friendly support regardless which rep helps them? 
10.Would your customers say your tech support reps have a good balance of technical skills and communication / interpersonal skills? 
 Total Score: 
Interpretation of Total Score:
46-50=Technical representatives handle users with highest levels of customer service. Exemplary tech support which generates high marks for user satisfaction.
30-45=Technical reps have skills and know what it takes to deliver quality service. They need coaching for consistency and/or a refresher course on advanced customer service skills.
20-29=Customers don’t receive a predictable experience. They never know what to expect when they call. This tech support needs training in baseline customer service skills and in handling difficult situations.
0-19=Even if tech reps have a high degree of technical skill, the lack of appropriate communication skills obscures their value. This tech support is in serious need of customer service training and coaching before upper management thinks about outsourcing!
Contact us and we will interpret your score!

Our on-site seminar Customer Service Skills for the Technical Professional was developed to teach support professionals how to attain highest levels of user satisfaction. If your support professionals deliver customer service by phone and email, desktop support, or field support, our courses will give them the user friendly skills they need.

Copyright © 2024 Donna Earl. All rights reserved.

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