Customer Service Quiz for Healthcare

Rate your staff (or yourself) on the following customer service practices for patient satisfaction and survey success. In addition to easing stress for the patient (and staff), excellent customer service skills can improve patient compliance and outcomes, staff job satisfaction, and practice reputation.

5 points3 points1 point0
1.Can your staff deal with all kinds of patients, even when confused, upset, impatient? 
2.Do your staff members create a positive first impression and maintain a positive tone throughout conversations with patients? 
3.Can your staff address unrealistic patient expectations? 
4.Do staff members demonstrate excellent phone skills and in person interpersonal skills? 
5.Can staff members explain protocols and care plans professionally and effectively to patients? 
6.Are staff supportive and effective communicators with co-workers? 
7.Are staff able to manage attitude, stress and their own motivation? 
8.Can staff handle complaints and defuse escalated situations calmly and professionally? 
 Total Score: 
Interpretation of Total Score:
40-32=Customer service practices demonstrate a high level of skill leading to patient satisfaction.
32-24=Staff perform some aspects of customer service adequately, however would benefit from a review or advanced course to achieve consistency.
24-16=Patients don’t experience a predictable nor always positive experience. Staff (and the practice) need training approach to address skill gaps.
16-0=While staff might have appropriate clinical skills, customer contact skills are lacking. A targeted class to to address skill gaps is highly recommended.
Contact us for interpretation of score!

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