Internal Customer Service Workshop

Internal Customer Service Savvy

​​​Our customized Internal Customer Service workshops instill ​​​​principles of ​​​internal customer service, communication, inter-​​​departmental support, problem solving, productivity ​​​and motivation.

  • Improve workflow efficiency and productivity
  • Improve communication and internal customer service practices
  • Reduce friction and conflict
  • Meet organizational goals
  • Cut operating costs

Our Program Helps You

  • Break down ‘silo mentality’
  • Solve problems that compromise external customer service
  • Focus on priorities and problem solving rather than conflict
  • Turn complaints into improvements
  • Improve workplace cooperation, productivity and morale

How the program works

This program is highly interactive with group assessments, interactive processes, discussion, and action planning.

Identify internal communication and customer service challenges

Explore and discuss new solutions to old problems

Advocate best interests of external and internal customers

Implement new strategies and synchronize cooperation

Enhance collaboration, ongoing productivity, and cost savings

Employees will work together more productively, communicate more proactively, practice better internal customer service, enable superior external customer service, and identify opportunities for cost savings.

Time and money well spent. My most difficult internal customers are now remarking on how my group now goes ‘over the top’ to help.

To learn how this program will benefit your organzation call 415.929.8110 or

+1(415)929 8110 US
+44(0)7783 352 886 UK

Internal Customer Service

  • Improve internal and external customer service
  • Work together to meet organizational goals
  • Reduce friction and increase productivity

“Before this workshop, I thought internal problems were only bad for morale. Now I know they’re bad for the bottom line. Thanks for processes to resolve costly internal problems.”

How many customer service stars does your team rate?
Take our quiz
to assess your Customer Service Skills.

Dealing with difficult customers requires Emotional Intelligence.
Take our quiz
to learn more about Emotional Intelligence.