Internal Customer Service I.Q. Quiz

What is your organization’s Internal Customer Service I. Q?

Organizations with high Internal Customer Service I.Q. demonstrate the following advantages.

Score the following statements from a low score of 1 Never to high score of 10 Always.

1.All employees see the same big picture and understand how everyone’s job fits into the organization’s business chain and contributes to customer satisfaction. 
2.Rather than work as silos, departments and employees work collaboratively to meet company goals and to deliver external customer satisfaction. 
3.Everyone understands customer expectations (internal and external) and responds appropriately to customer needs 
4.When communication breakdown’s occur, employees/teams are proactive about finding a better way and working toward a solution, rather than engaging in counterproductive behavior. 
5.Personal, team and organizational performance isn’t hampered by negativity and resistance. 
6.All departments value and treat each other with respect. 
7.Everyone participates fully in team meetings, processes, and feedback sessions. 
8.Employees recognize that job knowledge alone does not outweigh the value of communication skills and teamwork. 
9.Everyone understands managing internal and external customer relationships is part of the job. 
10.Employees are aware there is a cost involved in communication breakdowns and in allowing internal problems to derail productivity. 
 Total Score: 
What does your score mean?
75-100=High functioning organization which operates cost efficiently, with high morale, and highly communicative and proactive employees.
65-75=Above average, however your organization could improve communication, collaboration and productivity with targeted educational modules.
45-65=Average organizational functioning which needs retooling to sustain a motivated workforce, and collaborative work habits and culture.
30-45=A score in this range indicates a lack of focus on internal processes, communication and employee cooperation. To promote a better workplace and improve workflow, a concentrated retooling and training should be considered.
Up to 30=Neither productivity nor productive employees will last without retooling and focused retraining.

Contact us with your organization’s score, and we’ll provide an interpretation and suggestions.

Read our articles What Is Internal Customer Service? A Definition and Case Study and Providing Excellent Internal Customer Service

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